Ladywell has become an attractive area to move to for new parents and young professionals owing to its affordable housing, proximity to schools and plenty of green space.
Most properties in the area are built in the Victorian or Edwardian architectural style.
The Ladywell rail station has frequent trains that will take you to London Bridge, Charing Cross, and St Pancras. The Waterlink Way passing through Ladywell Fields makes it easy for cyclists to connect to other London parks and green spaces.
Let us take a deeper look at Ladywell and what it has to offer.

Interesting Facts
In 1900 a large workhouse for the elderly poor was built on Slagrave Farm. It was later known as Ladywell Lodge. A large part of the workhouse was later demolished but some of the buildings have survived in and beyond Slagrove Place.
The Playtower built in 1884, became one of the first public swimming pools in the country. It attracted thousands of local people, including athlete Eric Liddell, who won a gold medal in the 400m at the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris and was later immortalised in the film Chariots of Fire. The Ladywell Playtower was closed in 2004. In 2006, after a serious fire, the building fell into disrepair.