Lee and Hither Green

Lee and Hither Green

The village - like vibe and strong community make Lee and Hither Green popular hotspots, attracting first time buyers as well as commuters.

  • Green
  • Low Crime Rate
  • 35.2k

    Population Density

  • £571433k

    Property Price (Avg.)

  • £1,488

    Rental Price (Avg.)

Average detached price£1,110,375
Average semi-detached price£665,068
Average terraced price£651,434
Average flat price£343,934
Average rental price£1,488
Travel zone3
Transport links
Surrounding neighbourhoods


    Lee and Hither Green are bordered by Blackheath to the north and Bromley to the south, and boast plenty of green spaces, a selection of Victorian housing and some new developments. The area has a lively and dedicated community responsible for preserving the area’s charms and restoring local landmarks. In the recent few years the area has seen an influx of professionals and families with young children. The trains from Lee and Hither Green take 30 minutes to Charing Cross or Cannon Street. Along the routes you can connect with the Docklands Light Railway at Lewisham and the East London line at New Cross with stops at London Bridge and Waterloo East. Nearby Lewisham offers a DLR service.

    Let’s find out more about this area tucked away in the heart of Lewisham.

    Lee and Hither Green - Overview

    Interesting Facts

    • St Margaret of Antioch church in Lee is popular for its gothic revival interiors.
    • The position of the green at Lee was considered perfect for marching armies in need of refreshment. As a result Wellington’s soldiers passed through the area in 1815 on their way to victory over Napoleon at Waterloo.
    Lee and Hither Green - Overview


    Lee Health Centre on Handen Road, Woodlands Health Centre in Hither Green and Nightingale Surgery is located in the area while University Hospital Lewisham is a short distance away.


    Things to do

    Manor House Gardens is popular among residents and houses a lake, a café, multiple play spaces and tennis courts, a walled garden and even a historic ice-house. Lee’s Community Centre hosts a number of classes and local clubs. Manor House Library is also located in the area. The annual Hither Green Festival offers craft fairs, quizzes, music nights and kids’ activities. The Hither Green Community Association is responsible for organising nights at the Hither Green Hall. Mountsfield Park nearby is home to the annual People’s Day Festival held every summer. Blackheath Village or Greenwich is nearby if people wish to explore. 

    Lee and Hither Green - Attractions


    Lee used to be a popular place for wealthy London merchants to live which was evidenced by some large country houses built here in the 17th and 18th centuries. Some of these houses are Manor House and Pentland House in Old Road, and The Cedars, Belmont Hill. To provide housing for those working for the wealthy residents in the large houses Lee New Town was built from 1825. With the opening of the Lee railway station in 1866, the area became accessible for a wider range of people who worked in central London and could now commute easily. Houses were built for these new settlers on existing farmland. These days one can find late Victorian and Edwardian bay windowed terraces, pre-war semi-detached homes and townhouses in the area. There are also purpose built and studio flats, most of which are in period conversions.

    Lee and Hither Green - History


    Lee and Hither Green are among the areas earmarked as part of the Draft London Plan according to which 7,901 new homes will be built in Lewisham, Catford and Hither Green and 1,298 homes in the east in Blackheath, Lee and Grove Park by 2040.

    Lee and Hither Green - Developments


    Education in the area

    Lee is especially known for its choice of schools including state, independent and faith schools in the local vicinity, many with ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted reports. Brindishe Lee in Wantage Road, Brindishe Green in Beacon Road and Brindishe Manor in Leahurst Road are well known primary schools in the area. Trinity Church of England is a popular choice for secondary school but there are more options nearby in Blackheath and Ladywell.


    Places of worship

    St Swithun’s Church in Hither Green is a historic church built in 1892 architect Ernest Newton. The tapering chancel and Lady Chapel with vestries under were added in 1904. Other churches in the area includes Hither Green Baptist Church, Lee Green URC Church, Trinity Church of England and Church of the Good Shepherd.

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